Club of Henpecked Men

“The Club of Henpecked Men” was an article that ran in the Telegraph Herald (Dubuque, Iowa, USA) on 08 July 1907. If you’re unfamiliar with the term henpecked, it refers to a husband who is “browbeaten, bullied, or intimidated by one’s wife, girlfriend, etc..”1 My summation after reading the article is that the men who…

A Treasured Tabby

I’m continuing to clean my computer of unnecessary clutter and found an article I clipped from March 10, 1886. Unfortunately, I didn’t note the paper. A couple was traveling by train to Ipswich, Dakota. At one of the stops along the way, their cat decided it was time to get off the train. The cat…

Teddy Bear is a Menace to Nation

So I’ve been away from the site for a couple of years… I’ve still been researching but haven’t had the time to write about my research.  However, I thought I should share this gem. I found this article in 2013 and it’s been hidden away on my computer since then. I was going through files…

Quote of the day

A genealogist is someone who knows that all grandparents are great grandparents!

Quote of the day

All good things arrive unto them that wait and don’t die in the meantime. – Mark Twain

Quote of the day

After 30 days, unclaimed ancestors will be discarded or claimed by another family.

Quote of the day

If your family members won’t talk about a particular relative, a seasoned genealogist knows they are keeping mum about something very interesting.

Quote of the day

Genealogy is sometimes about proving that bad family traits came from the other side of the tree!

Quote of the day

If at first you don’t succeed, search, search again. That is why we call it re-search.

Quote of the day

A home with everything in its place, and a place for everything, means you’re not well suited for genealogy!

Quote of the day

Family tree research is one giant step backwards and one giant step forward—usually at the same time.

Using the Obituary as a Weapon

Obituaries provide great information for genealogy. I’ve read hundreds of obituaries over the years while researching my family history. Recently, an obituary appeared in the Raleigh News & Observer and it went viral for its content. While it’s no longer accessible on the paper’s website, it’s been tweeted. What makes this obituary unique is that it’s primary purpose isn’t to…