Biography: John Deininger

Headstone: John, Mary & Rosie Deininger

John Deininger was the brother of my great-great grandfather, William Deininger Jr. His biography appeared in Portrait and Biographical Album of Jo Daviess and Carroll Counties, Illinois (1889, page 626-627.


JOHN DEININGER. A snug farm of seventy acres lying on section 28 in East Galena Township comprises the well-regulated homestead of the subject of this sketch. Upon it there are good improvements, comprising a neat and substantial residence, fruit and shade trees, a barn and various other outhouses required for the successful prosecution of general agriculture. Mr. Deininger purchased this property in 1878, and has since occupied himself in its improvement and cultivation.

Our subject is a native of this county, having been born in Galena, March 23, 1855. It will thus be seen that his parents were among the earliest pioneers of, this region, they being William and Rosina (Heffner) Deininger, natives of the Kingdom of Wurtemburg in Germany. They settled on a tract of wild land in East Galena Township where they built up a good home, which has sheltered them since that time. The biography of William Deininger will be found elsewhere in this volume.

Our subject was the eldest son and second child of his parents, and was two years old when they settled upon what is now the old homestead in East Galena Township. His childhood and youth were spent after the manner of most farmers’ boys in a new country, attending the district school in the winter, and assisting his father during the busy season of the year. When reaching manhood, and ready to establish a fireside of his own, he was married to Miss Rosa Berger, who was born in West Galena Township in 1857. She became the mother of three children, and departed this life at her home in East Galena Township in the fall of 1884. Her parents were natives of Germany, and they are now living on a farm in West Galena Township. They have been residents of this county since early in the fifties, and are substantial and worthy people, esteemed by all who know them. The children of this marriage of our subject were named – Carrie, William and Bertie who are still living.

Mr. Deininger on Sept. 16, 1885, was married the second time at Galena to Miss Mary Nadig, who was born in Hamburg, Germany, on the 28th of June, 1853. Her parents, George J. and Catherine (Isenhour) Nadig, were also of German birth and ancestry, and the former spent his entire life in the Fatherland, where he died in his prime. The mother was left with a family of six children, and in 1855 emigrated with them to American, settling in Galena, where she was subsequently married to Antoine Piltz. Mr. Piltz is also a native of Germany, whence he emigrated when a young man, and was also married. Mr. and Mrs. Piltz are still living, making their home in Guilford Township where they own a good farm of 120 acres; they are quite well-advanced in years.

Mrs. Deininger received excellent parental training, and a good education in the common schools. She is a most worthy lady, and the mother of one son – Edgar. Both Mr. and Mrs. Deininger are members of St. John’s Lutheran Church at Galena, of which Mr. Deininger has been Trustee for the past seven years. Politically, he is a sound Republican.

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