Club of Henpecked Men

“The Club of Henpecked Men” was an article that ran in the Telegraph Herald (Dubuque, Iowa, USA) on 08 July 1907. If you’re unfamiliar with the term henpecked, it refers to a husband who is “browbeaten, bullied, or intimidated by one’s wife, girlfriend, etc..”1 My summation after reading the article is that the men who joined this club are whiners.

Club of Henpecked Men

It is said that in Yorkshire, England, there is an organization known as the Henpecked club. Each candidate for membership is required to prove that he has been in the habit of taking his wife’s breakfast to her in bed, blacking the stove, carrying up the coal and nursing the baby every night while his wife goes out.

Telegraph Herald (Dubuque, Iowa, USA) on 08 July 1907

1 “Henpecked.”,,
Hen image by Peter Chou from Pixabay

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